Monday 8 January 2007

24 Season 6 Leaked on BitTorrent

The first 4 episodes of the new season of 24 has been leaked online.

Episodes 1-4 of Season 6 of the hit Fox TV show starring Kiefer Sutherland were released to TV reviewers and industry insiders on a special pre-release DVD. It seems likely this is where the leaked episodes from the new season came from.

The four new episodes have been flying like wildfire across file sharing networks like BitTorrent, as well as being available to watch online in realtime through some sites (your own internet speed permitting, of course ;-)

Season 6 of the action-packed show 24, featuring another bad day for Jack Bauer, is due to launch in the US with a special 2-hour premiere on Sunday January 14th, followed by episodes 3 & 4 on the Monday night.

read more | digg story

* Entertainment Now: Countdown to 24 - Jack's Sixth Bad Day

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