This week's Broadcasting News ;-)
A couple of amusing pieces in last week's NBR that I only got my eyes on today...
(Stolen from the NBR's In tray column...
"This week's clarifications and retractions...")
* Carly Flynn, Nightline, TV3: Last night on Nightline we brought you a story about teenagers running amok in suburban Auckland...We apologise we did not make it clear that one of those callow youths, Jesse Peach, was our reporter on the scene. He was the one wearing his dad's suit.
* Joint apology by One News, TVNZ and 3 News, TV3:
We apologise. On Friday May 4, 2007, nothing happened but we ran the news anyway.
[ Right now I'm listening to:
^ Scooch - Flying the Flag (For You)
^ High School Musical - The Concert (Live)
^ Scooch - Flying the Flag (For You)
^ High School Musical - The Concert (Live)
Posted at 10:49 pm