Monday 11 February 2008

On the hunt for Osama Bin Laden

The man who put his life in danger by going on a month-long diet of nutritious McDonald's fast food has turned his attention to the world's "Most Wanted Man".

For his debut film Super Size Me, documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonalds three time a day. For his followup project, he decided to go on the hunt for the terrorists' #1 pin-up boy, in his upcoming movie "Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?"

After some initial combat training, Spurlock donned a towel and headed off to the Middle East to find the world's most famous towelhead, Osama Muhammad Bin Laden (not to be confused with that Barack Hussein Obama guy, who is trying to win the Democratic Presidential nomination.)

Spurlock shot around 800 hours of footage in his quest, exploring "every nook and cranny of the Middle East" as he searched for the reclusive Al-Qaeda leader.

The documentary film is co-written, produced, directed by and stars Morgan Spurlock. It debuted last month at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, and is expected to be released in cinemas in the (US) spring.

Trailer for "Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden?"...

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Morgan Spurlock never ceases to impress me; i just saw Super Size Me, which was amazingly insightful, and now he's making a documentary designed to make people sincerely think about the war on terrorism... well done indeed