Labour Party is full of Immature Dorks
The Labour Party is still struggling to come to terms with the fact that it is no longer running the country, after New Zealand voters rejected its diet of mandatory social engineering and excessive spending to create dependency on the state.
Labour still cannot understand that wasteful spending from "the public purse" which it promotes is really just stealing money from regular hard working New Zealanders!
Labour has already forced votes on almost 1,000 (One Thousand!) "largely trivial amendments" to a Parliamentary bill setting up a transitional authority and creating the Auckland Council.
The filibuster strategy meant last night's debate continued until 1am this morning, with MPs and staff forced to return to Parliament today at 9am, with a Monday sitting also possible.
Tubby Mallard said his party had already invented around 7,000 amendments, and told reporters that "new ones could be written faster than votes could be held".
While genuine amendments aimed at improving bills proposed by a ruling Government are to be encouraged, Labour's amendments were just petty and aimed at time wasting.
Elderly Labour numpty George Hawkins has been given the boring task of moving most of the amendments, and says he hopes he can drag the debate out all day. Opponents also decided to cast votes for every amendment in Maori, which then had to be translated into English, slowing the process further.
A crazy 6 hours was spent voting on date changes in the bills, while 48 amendments suggested alternative names for the new Auckland Council, including "The Funsized Council", "Everyone Belongs Council", or "Auckland Katchafire Council". Really mature Labour.
The loopy Greens joined in the playground tactics, with an amendment to try and force the council to only buy cars with small engines.
The stalling tactics even angered Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia (who is opposed to the legislation, largely because it doesn't include separatist Maori-only seats).
Turia stormed out of the debating chamber "in anger yesterday" for the first time ever, saying Labour had gone too far with its stalling tactics, saying it was a "frace", and Labour was simply wasting taxpayers' money and the valuable time of all MPs.
* NZ Herald: Turia exits Parliament in disgust over Labour attempts to stall Super City law
* No Minister: WasteMasters Exposed
* Newstalk ZB: "Melissa Lee Memorial Council" mooted
* Labour Holds Off Passage Of Bill For The Day
Posted at 10:03 am