Tuesday 19 September 2006

Happy 'Talk Like A Pirate Day'! Arrrrr!

Yarr, it be Tuesday September 19th me hearties... This harrr is officially 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Callum, Kentucky, & Moray at 'Official Pirate Add/Drop Day'
- (Lake Greeley Camp, 2004)

Avast me hearty mateys! Shiver me timbers! Fer today, ensure ye dress up in yer best Pirate hats 'n' costumes, 'n' address yer mateys in Pirate language (begin by starrtin' each sentence with "Arrr, me hearrty")...

* The Original Talk Like A Pirate Day website
* How To Be Speakin' Pirate-Like (Talk Like A Pirate Day UK)
* Dave Gee's Blog translated into Pirate-speak

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