Thursday, 6 November 2008

Bill and Ben planning to Party on Election Night

The Bill and Ben Party haven't had the highest of profiles this election campaign, but they have managed to attract over 5,000 supporters on Facebook (that's more than John Key and loads more than Aunty Helen!)

TV3's Campbell Live ran a good story tonight, following Pulp Sport's Bill and Ben on the campaign trail. They met up with John Key, and told him they are willing to consider a coalition with his party after Saturday night.

They acknowledge that many New Zealanders find elections and election coverage quite boring, so they have devised a special Election Night Drinking Game to spice up the big night in front of the telly.

It could be a messy night though... You have to take One drink if Helen Clark talks about trust, if John Campbell says "marvellous", if a reporter touches their earpiece, Duncan Garner pauses dramatically, the Maori Party are referred to as "kingmaker", or someone says "we're crossing live"...

Two drinks have to go down when they go live to Helen Clark's house, when a reporter is unaware they are live on air (that's always amusing!), John Key contradicts himself, or anyone says "too close to call".

Consuming is called for in situations like when John Campbell apologises for technical difficulties, or a politician cries (I'd put $10 on Judith Tizard, when she loses Auckland Central to Nikki Kaye ;-)

Blair Mulholland argues there is another good reason to vote Bill & Ben this election... Because they only have 2 people listed on the party list, gaining 5% of the vote would actually create an Underhang in Parliament, reducing the number of MPs! Yay!

The Bill and Ben Party need to get 0.5% of the party vote to get back their $1,000 election deposit. I'd say they're in with a good shot, and it would go to a good cause, with the guys are promising to put the grand "on a bar somewhere"...

* Campbell Live: Bill and Ben gear up for the election (Video)

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  1. writingright Says:

    so they just managed to scrape over that .5% mark, anybody know when/where that party is going to be? :D