Breathtaking in their arrogance
David Farrar has a very interesting post over at Kiwiblog, revealing just how honourable Labour's intentions are for wanting to make wholesale changes to Election funding laws.
Newstalk ZB's Mike Hosking was interviewing National's Katherine Rich and Labour's Shane Jones about the proposed restrictions on third parties... First Jones tries to defend Labour's largest "anonymous" donor as a New Zealander (their $500,000 big spender Owen Glenn lives in Aussie).

At least he's honest in his arrogance, but proves this crowd have absolutely no scruples when it comes to clinging to the baubles of power.
(He also goes on to try and defend the proposal to charge a royalty on people reselling artworks... claiming that
Labour are prepared to do anything to clamp down on funding for anyone who dares oppose them, but will legislate to ensure Union bosses keep their cosy jobs and a thriving "whinge" industry, so long as they keep the workers' money flowing back to Labour.

Shane Jones isn't widely known by the wider public, but is one of the more dodgy characters likely to feature heavily in Labour's future. It is imperative this crowd are removed from office as soon as possible, before New Zealanders end up having the same levels of freedom and democracy enjoyed by those in Mainland China.
* DPF's Kiwiblog: David's post and link to Newstalk ZB audio file
Posted at 10:04 pm