Win auctions with the lowest bids
Everybody knows auction sites like Ebay (and in New Zealand, Trademe). Now I've come across a cool new site that spins auction bidding on its head.

You make bids for the prizes you'd like to win with your mobile phone (or online), but you don't need to be bidding in the hundreds or thousands or dollars to win, unlike regular auction websites.
The unique twist with bid4prizes is that it's not the highest bid that wins the prize... but the lowest unique bid.

The auction "game" has real prizes that you can actually win, by using the game tips to try and make the lowest unique bid. (eg. If you're the only one to bid say $1.50 for a phone, and every other value below that has multiple bidders, then you win!)
The site has an awesome looking Samsung 50" Plasma TV up for "auction" right now, that I'd really love to win! I'm sure I could find room in my bedroom for a telly that big... who needs desks and drawers anyway ;-)
Posted at 11:12 am