Speeding ticket auction turns Bob into a Celeb
Christchurch-based TV3 news cameraman Bob Grieve has become something of a minor internet celebrity, after he sold one of his hard earned speeding tickets in an online auction.
Grieve listed his $130 ticket (received while driving from Geraldine to Christchurch) on auction site Trademe for "a bit of fun", but wasn't prepared for the level of interest in his unique auction.

Auction viewers posted over a hundred questions, including those confused as to why on earth someone would want to pay for someone else's speeding ticket... "Are you a celeb that I have never heard of or what??? "... "Well i did appear on telethon with leeza gibbons in 1988... does that make me a celebrity??"
Grieve (modestly known on Trademe as "Bobthegreat") also received a number of messages from female admirers (some pointing out his similarity to Donny Osmond)...
"Have you ever considered hiring yourself out as a Donny Osmond lookalike? You'd be a hit at hen parties all over the country"... "Does the holder come with the ticket????"... and the ever promising "Are you for sale? my grandma thinks you look like a 'goer'".

Unfortunately, our sources understand young Bob has not yet confirmed a date as a result of his internet escapades, and details of a possible party to celebrate his online success are yet to be released. We'll keep you posted.
* Sydney Morning Herald: Speeding ticket sold in online auction
Posted at 6:19 pm