Tuesday 17 April 2007

Look at what a million dollars gets ya...

New Zealand's State broadcaster, TVNZ, has been under fire recently for spending $300,000 to change its logo from blue to orange, while at the same time planning to make around 160 staff redundant.

But less attention has been paid to TV One's glossy new tv campaign from Saatchi & Saatchi, rumoured to have cost well in excess of $1 million (including flashlights... or "torches" for you kiwis ;-)

The meaning of the promo spots is a little unclear.. One suggestion is that the lighting budget for live crosses at State TV has also have been cut, so TV One stars and "regular New Zealanders" are asked to help out by shining their car headlights, flashlights, and anything else shiny into the sky .

Here's Dan News' version of the promo... with a twist at the end ;-)

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